Backpack Fittings at The Raya Clinic

Just in time to go back to school! Bring your child in to the Raya Clinic during the month of September for a complimentary Backpack fitting with one of our doctors. Don't let a poorly fit or overloaded backpack permanently damage your child's spine! We're here to help!

children and their backpacks

Southington Social Services Easter Drive

Raya Clinic is an official drop-off site for the Southington Social Services Easter Drive. We are collecting candy and toys for kids in need. Our children can use a reason to smile right now! Let’s be a blessing to our community.

We will be accepting donations through April 1, 2022 Thanks so much for your generosity!

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Dawn Solleck, winner of the Ann Hauver Employee of the Year award

“The Raya Clinic was delighted to honor our very own Dawn Solleck as she accepted the Ann Hauver Employee of the Year award presented by the Southington Chamber of Commerce at their annual awards dinner. Dawn was recognized for her 30 years of service to the Raya Clinic.“

woman standing up after earning award woman holding an award standing in between two women award winning woman taking a photo with another woman woman who won award shaking hands with the award presenter award winning woman in a group photo with 5 other people award winning woman in a group photo with 8 other people
