The feet bear the impact of a person’s entire body weight, striking the ground and flooring thousands of times a day, which can damage the bones, nerves, muscles, tendons. And ligaments and cause significant pain. Chiropractic care may be the answer for those seeking a non-surgical solution to their foot problems. A chiropractor will conduct a physical examination, assess the gait and foot function, and perform diagnostic imaging to determine the nature of the pain before crafting a personalized treatment plan. Traditional medical doctors often prescribe medication or give cortisone shots. However, chiropractors take a natural approach to pain management. Treatments can include posture adjustment, teaching patients how to balance their weight equally between their feet, and specific at-home exercises.

We all need our feet every day, so when foot pain occurs, it can be very disruptive. When you have foot pain, the chiropractors at Raya Clinic can help you find relief. We are total health and wellness center with all holistic fields under one roof. The practice is based on the premise of the Triad of Health, a combination of chiropractic, acupuncture, and nutrition.

To schedule an appointment, please call our clinic at 860-621-2225. We are located at 200 Queen St., Southington.

P.S. Advanced treatments like Cold laser and NeuroMed are also used to relieve pain and inflammation in our office.

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