When engaging in strength training, it is very important to keep opposing muscles in balance. The fact is that each muscle group has an opposing muscle group that works with it. The muscle (or muscle group) that contracts and gets shorter is known as the "agonist," while the opposing muscle (or group) lengthens and is called the "antagonist." For instance, when biceps curls are performed, the biceps are the agonist, while the triceps are the antagonist. When the triceps press is preformed, roles reverse, as the triceps become agonist and the biceps become the antagonist. If one muscle group becomes significantly stronger than the other, the imbalance can disrupt the joint's range of motion, leading to injury.

Muscle imbalances are not a problem that only strikes the active and athletic; anyone can experience muscle imbalances that can lead to larger problems. To schedule an appointment for chiropractic treatment, please call 860-621-2225 or visit us at 200 Queen St, Southington. We incorporate 20 different chiropractic techniques to help return your body to a state of proper function that we call "homeostasis".

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